Brooklyn is 10?!
In the busy-ness of the past several weeks, we celebrated some big days. 13 years of marriage for Sean and I. 3 years in Indonesia. And... Sigh... Somehow it happened without my being able to stop it. My oldest girl turned 10. Ten. The big 1-0. What?! We celebrated with a morning with friends at the local waterpark, followed by homemade strawberry cake at home. It was the best day ever! Honestly, Sean had the most fun of all. As usual, here is Brooklyn's birthday interview. I was secretly pleased to discover that although my little girl is growing and maturing so very much, she is still essentially the same little girl who loves, pink, American Girl anything, and wants to be like her parents. What is your favorite activity? Reading, writing, playing on my iPod. What is your favorite color? Pink! What is your favorite toy? American girl dolls and my favorite stuffed animals Who are your best friends?...